As a writing nerd, I enjoy looking up words that are commonplace, just to see how they are actually defined. I don’t like the idea of words being taken for granted. Sometimes they just deserve a bit of attention. Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, and ‘thankful’ needs a bit of attention. thank·ful | \ ˈthaŋk-fəl \ Definition of thankful 1: conscious of benefit received for what we are about to receive make us truly thankful 2: expressive of thanks thankful service 3: well pleased: GLAD was thankful that it didn't rain Merriam-webster Conscious. Benefit. Expressive. Pleased. The roots of thankful. With four weeks to go until I officially release my second children’s book “Princesses Can Be WHAT?” I am reflecting on the past few years in a tryptophan turkey and gravy haze. I’m thinking about all the people who have become my cheerleaders, sounding boards and sanity savers. For each I have immense gratitude. I am also incredibly thankful for the random strangers who have ventured over to my table at a market over the past year to check out my book.... AND THEN BUY IT!! I know how it goes. Markets are awkward. Maybe that’s just how incredibly awkward people like myself perceive most situations though. Don’t get too close or make direct eye contact with the vendor, because then you’ll feel obligated to have a conversation and then feel guilty when you decide to pass on what they are peddling. People, you have no idea what that book purchase does for a new author. I promise, it goes far beyond a few extra bucks in my pocket. My daughters continue to be a beautiful source of learning, personal growth and inspiration for me. I am so thankful for being a character in and witness to this chapter of their childhood. If I could make a book to capture every one of their funny, unique and sometimes incredibly BIZARRE ways of being, I would without hesitation. I’ll have to be selective. I have immeasurable gratitude for my husband Jon, who instantly recognizes when I've fallen into a creative blackhole, and patiently gets on with making sure our household doesn't crumble down around us. Even though my creative adventures take time away from everyday things, he knows how much this path fills my cup and does what he can to make that happen. That’s love. And I am thankful AF for him. Three years ago, I gave myself permission to sit down to write this book and the first book "Princesses Don't Wear THAT!" It was 6 months into the pandemic. My husband and I were both working full-time from home, and for many months we also had our 1.5 and 3.5-year-old at home because daycare was closed. It was...let’s just say... trying. These books created a lifeline for me. They interrupted the monotony and stress of being at home ALL THE TIME and provided a positive outlet that had a certain outcome when everything else in the world felt uncertain. Fast forward 3 years, the world seems to have returned to normal and I have a shocking amount of new grey hair. But I also have something to show for it. Books. A physical manifestation of ideas, passion, positive distraction and overcoming fear. What an amazing thing. But other things have changed too. While most families emerged from hiding all excited to get on a plane again, my family entered an 1980's revival. My oldest daughter, now 6, who once only wanted to wear frilly princess dresses, now happily gets dressed for school wearing a choker necklace, scrunchies on her wrist, t-shirt knotted at the side of her hip and a side ponytail.
I just pray I can steer my little babe away from that horrific expression of gravitational defiance. But I digress...
You know when you look back and see the growth in yourself over the years? And you think, wow! I have come a long way. That’s what I’m feeling today. I’m so thankful for the process, events and especially the people that helped contributed to the changes. Mostly though, I am thankful for the privilege of time, inspiration and love. And well, maybe thankful for scrunchies. But THAT is where I draw a hard line with the 80’s. Thankful. What a great word. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
November 2024
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